PMV workshop on fostering successful scientific collaborations and managing a career in ‘omics research on Wednesday July 29.

PMV workshop on fostering successful scientific collaborations and managing a career in ‘omics research on Wednesday July 29.

Establishing successful collaborations is an essential skill for Metabolomic and Proteomic researchers. However, explaining the hidden complexities of metabolomic/proteomic techniques and managing collaborators’ expectations is not without challenges.

PMV is hosting a workshop on collaboration to aid researchers in establishing the productive collaborations that are essential to their careers. David De Souza (Bio21 – Metabolomics) and Tony Purcell (Monash University – Proteomics) will share some of their hard won experiences, followed by a roundtable discussion for everyone to participate.

 The collaboration workshop will be held from 5 pm on Wednesday July 29. More details on the venue will follow.

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