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Trajan Scientific releases three new products for proteomics/metabolomics


Trajan Scientific and Medical is proud to announce the release of three new R&D products that may be of interest to local proteomic and metabolomic researchers for testing:

1 – MyCapLC Kit™ has been developed in collaboration with Adelaide Proteomics Centre for LC-MS/MS applications. MyCapLC Kit enables users to pack their own capillary HPLC columns like an expert without the need for special instrumentation.

2 – A new SPE formulation optimised for small molecules, developed in collaboration with ASTech – ARC Training Centre for Portable Separation Technologies.

3 – A new range of GC liners specially developed for GC-MS metabolomics studies.

If you are interested in trying any of the above technologies, please contact Trajan directly to arrange a meeting or to have a sample sent to you for your application.

Contact information

Dr Rob Shellie
Chromatography Market Manager
Trajan Scientific and Medical
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PMV is partnering with the International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics (IECM) to support an upcoming Metabolomics symposium to be held at MIPS, Parkville on Friday 16th November from 3pm. A selection of local and international keynote speakers will be showcased, including local researcher Dr. Oliver Jones. To register for this free event, see here.

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