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PMV launches new website


The new PMV website is live with a completely new look and feel. The installation of a modern Content Management System should allow dynamic content delivery and there are new sections including Member Laboratories, detailing the activities of individual laboratories. PMV will also be hosting a poster competition in the near future.

If anyone has any comments and suggestions, or is interested in contributing to the site, please get in touch.

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PMV is partnering with the International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics (IECM) to support an upcoming Metabolomics symposium to be held at MIPS, Parkville on Friday 16th November from 3pm. A selection of local and international keynote speakers will be showcased, including local researcher Dr. Oliver Jones. To register for this free event, see here.

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Your membership details are essential for communication purposes. If the news check box is selected, PMV will send occasional emails alerting members to important events and PMV meetings.