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Post-doctoral positions at St Vincent’s Institute Melbourne


There are two postdoctoral positions on offer in the laboratory of Dr Mark Chong at the St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research.

Dr Chong’s laboratory studies the development of immune cells, with a particular emphasis on dissecting the role of gene regulatory mechanisms and understanding how dysregulation of these processes contribute to immunologic diseases, such as autoimmunity and cancer. In addition, the laboratory is interested in understanding the regulation of the microRNA machinery and the implications on basic biology. The laboratory employs a multidisciplinary approach to research and is comprised of a mixture of cellular/molecular biologists and computational scientists.


The Roles

Position 1:  Gene Regulation focus

We are seeking a recent PhD graduate to undertake full time research into the requirement of various gene regulatory mechanisms for the development of immune cells. Depending on the candidate’s expertise and/or interest, the research may focus on lymphopoiesis, myelopoiesis and/or the haematopoietic stem cells in animal models, and the implications on human disease.


Candidates should have experience in a diverse range of molecular and cellular immunology techniques. Experience with animal models and/or genomic approaches is also highly desirable. Candidates with a promising track record close to PhD completion are also encouraged to apply (appointment to the level of postdoc is subject to PhD completion).


Position 2:  Proteomic & Genomics focus

We are seeking a recent PhD graduate to employ advanced proteomic and genomics technologies to investigate the regulation of a novel gene regulatory mechanism in stem cells. The full time research position will focus of haematopoietic stem cells and the implications on immune cell development. Analyses of other stem cell types, such as embryonic and neural stem cells, are also planned.


Candidates must have experience with proteomic technologies or protein purification and associated molecular biological techniques. Experience with tissue culture is also essential. Experience with the isolation and culture of stem cell populations is highly desirable, but not essential. Candidates with a promising track record close to PhD completion are also encouraged to apply (appointment to the level of postdoc is subject to PhD completion).

Interested candidates should contact Mark Chong:

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