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A one-day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 11th Australian Peptide Conference at Peppers Salt Resort, Kingscliff, NSW, Australia from 9am to 5pm on Sunday 25th Oct 2015.

Prof Rob Moritz (ISB, USA) Quantitative Proteomics
Prof Rudi Grimm (Agilent & UC Davis, USA) Paleo-multiomics
Prof Marc Wilkins (UNSW, Australia) Interactomics and Transcriptomics
Prof Richard Lewis (IMB, Australia) Venomics
Malcolm Buckle (CNRS & Ecole Normale Supérieure, France) Interactomics
Dr Michelle Hill (Diamantina Inst, Australia) Cancer Biomarkers
Dr Richard Lipscombe (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia)
A/Prof Mark Molloy (APAF, Macquarie University) Cancer Signaling and Drug Targets

Attendance is free for registrants of the 11th Australian Peptide Association conference. For those attending this satellite meeting only, registration (with morning tea and lunch provided) is $160 (Students $100). Please note that everybody MUST register, as we need numbers for catering purposes.

Registration is available online at:
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PMV is partnering with the International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics (IECM) to support an upcoming Metabolomics symposium to be held at MIPS, Parkville on Friday 16th November from 3pm. A selection of local and international keynote speakers will be showcased, including local researcher Dr. Oliver Jones. To register for this free event, see here.


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