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Analytical Instruments Roadshow from Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher’s Analytical Instruments team is running a seminar and workshop in Melbourne on the 16th of August at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
The team will be introducing several new and innovative technologies with a focus on the latest applications in chromatography and mass spectrometry.  The day will also include workshops where we will be bringing in scientists from across Australia to share their expertise in analytical techniques covering IC/ICMS, GC/GC-MS and LC-MS.
Please click the link to see an overview of the agenda for the day  and to register. (please note, seats are limited).

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PMV is partnering with the International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics (IECM) to support an upcoming Metabolomics symposium to be held at MIPS, Parkville on Friday 16th November from 3pm. A selection of local and international keynote speakers will be showcased, including local researcher Dr. Oliver Jones. To register for this free event, see here.


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