Science Education

VCE Curriculum and CSIRO ‘Science for Schools’ Program

Proteomics receives mention in the VCE Biology curriculum under Molecular Biology (read more). A proteomics website is also referenced in the resource material. PMV intends to work with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority to augment the exposure of secondary school science students, and their teachers, to proteomics and metabolomics. PMV members have also presented to science teachers from local secondary schools as part of theCSIRO “Science for Schools” program. PMV intends to develop these mutually beneficial links further.

Company Support for Life Science Education

Several of our company members have support programs for the Life Science Education sector (e.g. BioRad), and have offered to make associated products (e.g. kits and equipment for practical classes) available via PMV at favourable cost. For further information, please contact PMV and we will do our best to help.

Lab and Company Visits

Recognising that some keen students, teachers and members of the public might be interested in taking a closer look at how proteomics and metabolomics are practiced and supported, several laboratory groups and supply companies are willing to host site visits and work experience programs (subject to compliance with health and safety regulations). For further information, please contact PMV and we will do our best to help.